“The role of the “family office” in our society demands scrutiny.”
Yes, I was a bit surprised when I read this as well. The above headline was taken from a piece on the BBC website which refers to some research by Dr. Luna Glucksberg from the London School of Economics.
The full piece can be found by clicking on this link:-
Frankly, I find it quite astonishing. Admittedly I am somewhat biased as I deal with family offices on a day-to-day basis. Regardless of this, the last time I looked, we live in a democracy and provided one is operating within the law, individuals are free to look after their assets as they see fit. Depending on the activities of the family office, some will be regulated anyway (as well as certain professionals). Not particularly balanced and all rather ill informed.
Link to London School of Economics and the piece of research to which I refer:-
This article is written by Paul Avon who is a Director of True House Partners – specialists in recruitment for Family Offices (both single and multi) and Trust & Fiduciary/Corporate Services Providers in London, mainland UK and Europe as well as jurisdictions such as Channel Islands (Jersey & Guernsey), Isle of Man, Bermuda, the Caribbean (British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands and Bahamas). Mauritius, Seychelles and the Middle East (with a particular emphasis on United Arab Emirates) and the Far East including Singapore & Hong Kong. For more information, please call +44 (0)20 7846 0025 or paulavon@truehousepartners.com website: www.truehousepartners.com