Based in London, True House Partners has a formidable reputation as a leading family office recruitment agency. Every family office (also private/family investment offices) is different in terms of the range of professionals employed and few sectors offer such an eclectic mix. This is due to the fact that every Principal (or Principals) is different with unique assets, ambitions, purpose and characteristics. The assignments that we undertake for single family offices (& multi) range from trust related jobs, positions for solicitors and investment professionals to roles that require qualified accountants, tax practitioners and real estate experts. Completed mandates include Chief of Staff, General Counsel, Financial Controller, Trust & Wealth Manager, Head of Family Office, Property Director, Senior Investment Manager, COO, Trust Director, Family Office Accountant and Finance Director (all with single family offices). For multi family offices, recent work includes Chief Financial Officer, Associate Director (qualified accountant), Principal Advisor and CIO (Chief Investment Officer). As family office recruitment specialists, True House Partners has a thorough understanding of the idiosyncrasies of family offices (& their associated investment vehicles) and in particular the pitfalls and considerations when undertaking any recruitment exercise. From our experience, quite apart from technical competence for any given family office job, equally important are personality traits and characteristics. The size of family offices varies but the majority are relatively small entities therefore it is absolutely critical for most family office jobs that the cultural fit and values of prospective candidates are assessed - not getting this right can be disastrous and very costly. We offer psychometric testing to family office clients that utilises an experienced independent consultant who has been working with family offices for years. It gives an insight into the "real person" and what he/she is like to work with as a potential colleague. It has been found to be remarkably accurate. Whilst a tool such as this should never be used in isolation, it can be helpful as part of the selection process in highlighting areas to probe and possible interview questions. Because of the depth of information we acquire about a candidate through this process we can provide on-boarding support, including a Personal Development Plan for the successful candidate.